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7. Man O' War Shoals

Mooring depth: 20 feet (7m)
Maximum depth: 70 feet (22m)


Just east of Diamond Rock, this similarly steep rock structure lies in the sandy bottom at 70 feet with twin peaks rising to 15 and 20 feet from the surface. A multi-level dive profile works best here by circumnavigating the base and slowly spiraling upwards between the two peaks in a figure-eight fashion. A safety stop at the top maximizes your dive time while enjoying the show below. This site offers some of the most diverse and luxuriant marine life in the Saba Marine Park ranging from Black Coral and hoards of Sergeant Majors to the industrious Sand Tile Fish. Man O' War Shoals also seems to be the only place to spot Atlantic Spadefish, ocean pelagics rarely seen on reefs, and the Banded Jawfish, a very uncommon sighting!

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