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21. Tent Reef Shallow
Video coming soon!
Mooring depth: 40 feet (12m)
Maximum depth: 80 feet (24m)
There is a large patch of Turtlegrass awaiting as you swim southerly of the mooring. Green Turtles love to graze here. Also commonly found within this area are Razorfish, Queen Conch and Spaghetti worms. Head to the west into the coral garden to look for critters like Seahorses and Sharptail Eels. Find your way back to the boat swimming among the boulders and looking out for Spotted Drums and Yellowfin Groupers. The sand patch right underneath the boat is a great area for macro lovers -- go on a hunt for Flounders, Pikeblennies, Berolina Headshield Slugs, Mantis Shrimp and Scalloped Fireworms!
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